Industrial Special Risks Insurance in Australia

Property damage insurance for higher value properties

An Industrial Special Risk (ISR) insurance caters for higher value properties and businesses that are normally too big for a business pack insurance. Industrial Special Risk policy generally provides a broader coverage compared to a business pack insurance, and is able to cover multiple locations under the same policy.

While some insurers have a minimum asset value requirement of $10 million, some insurers might only have a minimum of $5 million asset value requirement in order to qualify for a ISR insurance policy. Call us now for a discussion if you are unsure and we will be able to advice you on the suitability of an ISR policy, or provide you with a more suitable recommendation.

We can assist you with insuring your business and/or property anywhere in Australia by arranging for a ISR insurance package. We help solve your problems by understanding your needs and help you achieve your property investment goals.

What’s usually covered?
Industrial Special Risks Insurance for businesses and property owners can include various covers, but generally speaking depending on industry, here are some of the more common cover included in an ISR insurance policy taken by business owners or property owners.

  • Property damage including building, contents and stock insurance

  • Damage due to fire, natural disasters, storm, flood (optional), accidental damage

  • Business Interruption Insurance

  • Theft

  • Plate Glass Insurance

Speak to one of our consultants today who will be happy to go through your risk exposures and advise you on the suitable protection for your business. We can provide you with a no obligation quote so what are you waiting for.

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Contact us today!

Unsure whether your insurance cover is adequate or interested in knowing more about Industrial Special Risk insurance? Complete the form on the right and one of our advisers will give you a call back to discuss your insurance needs. We can also review your personal insurance, business insurance, public and products liability insurance at the same time. This will save you time as you would only need one point of contact for all your insurance needs.

Who can we help

Industries that can we assist with Industrial Special Risk (ISR) insurance:

  • Multi location Retail Shops

  • Offices

  • Manufacturers with large plants

  • Restaurants - multi sites or frachise group

  • Cafe - multi sites or frachise group

  • Education centre (including Registered Training Organisations)

  • Industrial warehouses

  • Warehouse

  • Healthcare (including doctors and dentist)

  • Multi or Single tenanted buildings

  • Vacant Property

We can assist with an Industrial Special Risk Insurance policy if you own property or business assets valued above $5 million, this will be done alongside a Public Liability insurance policy. This will ensure you are covered for your building, contents and stock in the event of a loss. Business Interruption, theft and glass cover can also be included in this ISR policy.

We can assist both property owner and business owner with the ISR requirements.

Insurance cover suited for your Business Property

  • Protects you from liability claims of accidental damage or injury caused to an individual if you’re found to be liable. This policy also typically covers for the legal cost in defending your claim.

  • Industrial Special Risks Insurance provides coverage to your building as well as contents that you might own as a landlord or business owner. This can alleviate the stress if the building was damaged by fire or storm.

  • We can include loss of rent cover to your Industrial Special Risk Insurance that protects your gross income which is the rent receivable from your tenant or your income as a business owner. This cover is normally triggered if there was damage caused by an incident that is covered.

  • Glass cover under a ISR insurance policy can cover for breakage to shop front windows including sign writing. If this cover is taken, make safe costs can be included in the claim.