Have a claim to lodge?
We’re here to help.

At GCIS Insurance, we believe that the true value of having an insurance adviser is only reflected when you need us the most which is during a claim. We aim to provide you with a fast and efficient claims service and advice so that you can get back on your feet in no time.

If you have experienced an event which you need to claim for, we are only a phone call or email away. We understand making a claim can be stressful, so our team will be there to walk you through the process and help make it as easy as possible for you.

In the event of an emergency, you should always contact emergencies services first before contacting your insurance company or adviser. Make safe should always be done as soon as possible regardless of the insurance coverage as it is important to prevent any further damage regardless.

GCIS Insurance Contact Details

Email: claims@gcisinsurance.com.au

Phone: 0431 131 961

Insurance claim public liability insurance

What to expect when making a claim

During the claims lodgement process, each case is unique and will be evaluated individually. While GCIS will handle some aspects of the process, there may be times when the insurer will communicate directly with you. Here's a general overview of the steps your claim might follow:

Claims Form
Contact us for a copy of the claims form. Fill out this form and return it to us for lodgement.

Supporting Documentation
Depending on the insurance policy you’re claiming under, there is likely to be documentation you’ll need to provide. For example, photos/videos of the aftermath or letters from third party solicitors.

Insurer Assessment
The insurance company will assess your claim and determine eligibility and amount required to be settled. You may be asked for further documentation like quotes or invoices. If your claim is an eligible liability or indemnity claim, a legal panel may be appointed in the defending of your case. Insurance assessors can also help in arranging for quotes in some instances.

Claims Outcome
Once eligibility of the claim is determined, insurers will settle payments. Payments may be made to you directly where applicable, or to third parties/plaintiffs where applicable.

Burning building insurance claim

Have you reached us after hours and unable to speak to someone? Fill in the form below and one of our team member will contact you as soon as possible.